The server experienced about 20 minutes of downtime this evening around midnight, as we moved the FlyC server. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Some things going on in hangarland:

68U had a thorough 100hr done at Procraft, getting her spruced up for summer. She has new rudder hinges, elevator hinges, new tires, and the new interior panel plastics have been installed (finally! :) -- she will be going back for some cosmetic stuff as soon as we can pull her off the line.
20U has a new battery. We expect this to end the charge-nocharge cycle she's been bothering us with.
I am officially petitioning the office to get a larger fishbowl for our friend Charlie (the Betta) - and since sun = algae, and that shot-glass that Charlie lives in looks more like a petri dish these days, I'm requesting a plecostomus too.
Julie seems to be flying an awful lot lately. Word on the street (and I agree with this) is that the G1000 is very intuitive, with all of the information easy to find, the radios fairly easy to tune, and checkouts are running about 1.5 - 2.0 hours lately (depending on how familiar you are with the KAP140 autopilots) -- I think she's likely to stick around for awhile -- thanks Pilots!
Cessna 72F (who?) is being troubleshot this week. We may or may not place her back on active duty when we get the new starter going. (150s are just not as popular lately)
Apologies to those who we were forced to cancel on Sunday's runway closure. It was unexpected, and we probably lost about 40 or 50 hours of flying that afternoon! Luckily, word is that nobody was hurt on the gear-up landing which kiboshed the gorgeous Sunday flying everyone had planned - whew! Pilots considering retract aircraft, don't make this face: