This Saturday Afternoon, the kind folks at Tom's Cessna in Long Beach will be throwing us all an open house! There will be food, drinks, and a brand new G1000-equipped Skyhawk and Skylane on display! Come twiddle the knobs on a G1000 without the office's watchful eye, and take a tour of the advanced features with Cessna trained experts.
The Skylane (nee 182) is quite possibly the perfect 4-place aircraft, with many people who switch to faster or larger aircraft -- end up returning to a faithful skylane after all. Cross-country movers, this is your chance to try to persuade us to get one of these 150kt machines on rental for the school!
In other news:
Cessna 17J completed her first 100hr inspection tonight. We have on order a new trim knob (one that doesn't hit pilots in the eye at random -- sorry Kevin H!), and I will be loading new map data into the GPS.
Cessna 04H has had her charging system inspected. We have heard complaints of a whine in the electrics, and hope to have this resolved. Also, the ground start receptacle fuse has been located and replaced, in case we did not in fact fix this. (no more removing the cowling to charge a toasted battery)
Cessna 20U is back with a new battery, new Voltage regulator, and new Generator. We expect much "power to the people" once again -- until some rascal leaves the master on overnight again. Thanks to DP Air for the help with this one.
Cessna 68U has had some cosmetic tweaks done by the fine people at Procraft.
Cessna 08V is having her Transponder checked again. Apparently it remains intermittent, to nobody's amusement (most particularly SoCal Approach)
Cherokee 08F continues to fly trouble-free.
We have many new faces around the office lately, say hello to anyone looking helpful or friendly -- it's either one of our pilots, or one of our staff!
Please remember, there is water and otter pops in the fridge! Stay cool out there -- heatstroke does bad things for moods and landings!
- Mike