Hi Gang,
Beth and I are in Oakland at a Cessna Pilot Center conference, helping shape things like G1000 curriciulum, PTS, and what the latest trends are in pilot education. Quite interesting to see what the other flight schools are doing around the country, and interesting to see that a lot of "fresh" ideas are ones we put into play over a year ago (example: "try to think about your office from the student's perspective")
Also nice to see that other flight schools suffer the same grumbling problems we do (planes and/or instructors not on time, periodically indifferent or distracted office service, weather and maintenance headaches, etc.)
All in all, a constructive little conference. We will return this afternoon and see you all tomorrow.
In the meantime, some quick jots:
Cessna 68U is down for an extensive 100hr with Procraft. 68U has been beat up lately, and we aim to get her into better shape. Expected return is tentatively Wed.
The other birds are flying quite nicely.
We are officially placing
Cessna 20U for sale. 20U is an excellent leaseback aircraft, garnering an average of 85-95 hours per month, and is rather low maintenance. The new owner will have the option of taking over 20U's leaseback arrangement with Fly Corona (which the owner typically grosses $3,500 per month with -- maintenance and insurance eat much of that, but generally she pays for herself and leaves a small fund for upgrades)
We would prefer to have 20U remain on leaseback, of course, since we love her -- and the new owner would enjoy flying for the cost of fuel only. However, if 20U does not remain on leaseback, we will be replacing her with another 172.
Asking price is $45,000. I will be putting together a detail packet of her impressive features and general "dialed-in, flying" nature. Feel free to stop in the office Wednesday or beyond for details about leasebacks (since, while they're simple, they are still an investment to be considered)
Also feel free to email me at
mike@flycorona.com :)
Blue Skies!
- Mike