It is my pleasure to announce that a new Cessna is born!

Cessna N6017J has arrived, having been created at the Cessna factory, and now waits for us on the ramp in Independence, KS. (KIDP)
Seventeen-Julie is a 2006 Cessna 172SP / Garmin G1000. She is designated by the FAA as a Technically Advanced Aircraft or TAA.
A small list of the features of our new Cessna:
Traffic displayed on the MFD
A pair of 10.4" High-visibility screens, including a PFD which integrates ALL of your flight instruments into one screen
Dual redundant Nav/Comm processors, Dual GPS receivers, Computerized fuel and engine monitoring.
Terrain Data
2-axis Autopilot

...and those are just the doodads in the panel. Additionally, our aircraft will have:
Tinted glass all around
Rosen Visors
Beige Leather Interior
Shoulder harnesses
Shoulder harness-deployed Airbags
XM Radio & Weather information
And probably a ton of interesting and amazing things I haven't even learned yet.
We will be picking her up, if all goes as planned, on Friday, and will be flying her home by the following Tuesday, the 30th.

Fly Corona! has been named as the latest GOLD Status Cessna Pilot Center, and we will be standardizing our curriculum around the King/Cessna training materials for the new aircraft, as well as the existing. The King/Cessna materials are CDROM/DVD based, and are a much more interesting way to absorb the various materials presented in the awesome Jeppesen kits we currently use.
Initial rates will be as follows:
Block: $129.00 per hour (!), Retail: $149.00 per hour.
A 30 minute spin around Lake Matthews will be $79.00
Take her to Catalina for 90 minutes, at $229.00
We will be offering TAA/G1000 Checkouts as follows:
New Pilots on retail rates:
TAA/G1000 Checkout: $649
includes 6 hours of instructor time, and 2 hours of flight time.
includes Max Trescott's definitive work, the G1000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Existing Renters on block rates: only $549 for the above.
She is available for bookings now starting May 30, 2006! Feel free to grab a spot on the schedule to try out this amazing machine.
We will undoubtedly be tuning things as time goes on, and we expect to have a homecoming BBQ on the weekend of June 3rd, to show off "new plane smell" and all of the wonderful features.
More as I know it...!
- Mike