First, sadly, this:
CNO 101553Z 00000KT 2SM HZ CLR 17/13 A2996
is a huge improvement over recent 9am weather. We may be emerging out of this aerial funk which has kept everyone on the ground for the last 2 weeks.
Second, Cessna 20U completed her 100hr inspection last night.
Third, after much hand-wringing and the like, and absent any serious leaseback movement, we are strongly considering a Cessna 172SP for the school. We are working on the numbers, but they look like they would be in the $130-$140/hr ballpark. (depending on insurance -- waiting on that quote now)
The Skyhawk SP would come equipped with a Garmin G1000 panel, which will be different from what we are all used to, but not substantially.

Cases for the SP:
Great performance from 180hp.
Traffic avoidance on the GPS map
The GPS map
2-axis autopilot
Airbags & Shoulder harnesses
Fuel Injected
Cases against:
Appx 2x the cost of the older skyhawks
"It's still just a 172"
Increased fuel burn of 10gph
GPS panel can add 10 hours to training, due to many features
I get to say new and strange things like "You can get your pilot's license in as little as $7,500" (about double the cost of training in a C150)
I'm interested in your thoughts.. is this something interesting to everyone? We need another pair of 172s once the weather improves -- is this too much skyhawk, or something supremely cool that everyone will enjoy?
Blue Skies -- watch out for that haze :)
- Mike