Proof positive that a Private Pilot enjoys the same rights and priveleges of any other pilot certification -- our very own
Cessna 20U recently did a Cross-country flight to Los Angeles International Airport. Why? Because it is there.

Our own Mike Walsh, accompanied by CFII Ryan Farr, made the XC journey into the heart of darkness. Becoming what was probably the only piston-powered airplane into LAX all month, our intrepid pilots enjoyed a
full throttle no-flaps final approach, breaking all laws of cessna physics, and spurring our fearless Skyhawk to an unprecedented
140mph as they screamed over the numbers for 25L, reining in the poor plane to a halt just past Taxiway "Gee", at appx 3,100' length --
or 100 feet shy of the full length of our runway at Corona -- so those of you contemplating reproducing your own full-speed approach here at home, forget about it....but when you're landing on one of Los Angeles International's
four 11,000-feet runways, it somehow doesn't seem like such an issue.

Imagine the look on the face of the Boeing 757's crew, when Los Angeles Ground asked them to "hold for the taxiing Cessna" -- an unseen gnat lost beneath their powerful instrument panel holding up the flight of a few hundred business travellers, just for a moment.
Fly safe -- but definitely do some industrial strength flight planning before tackling something like this -- your certificate depends on it.