Friday, March 17, 2006

100hr in the rain!

A rainy weekend! Are we that close to April already? As odd as it sounds, we're glad for a quick respite -- our 172s have been prowling the sky en masse, and they are all nearing their 100hrs. We intend to capitalize fully on any downtime and get the birds freshened up and on their way.

Cessna 20U is going down for her 100hr inspection today.

Cessna 68U will go down for 100hr on Monday, or following 20U's completion, or when the time is due -- whichever comes first. (currently about 12 hours away)

Cessna 04H will likely go in the following Monday, unless she hits time early (currently about 23 hours away)

Pilots - if we need to call to shuffle you around, please indicate if you are willing to fly a different type of aircraft! The C172s are tight this week, however, Cessna 08V and Cherokee 08F are good fliers, have more availability, and can add a little variety to your training. Be sure to let us know if you're willing to try a different type -- it will help us fit everyone in!

We will try our best to alert you to any forced cancellations as soon as possible. Please alert the staff if we are performing sub-par, so that we can make amends.


- Mike