News has been brewing, and I have missed some of it -- apologies in advance!
Here's what I know:
First, 3 checkrides sailed through recently! Please join me in congratulating...
First, new Commercial Pilot John R earned his stripes with DPE Mark D in his TR182 -- Nice work, John!
Second, new Private Pilot Takuji T earned his wings with DPE Mark D in Cessna 630!
And Third, new Private Pilot Gabriel A earned his wings with DPE Mark D in Cessna 68U!
Nice work gentlemen! Just in time for nice weather to play in!

Next... some awesomeness is afoot!
SoCal Approach, as you may or may not know, is the agency responsible for keeping us flying atoms from smashing into one another when the airspace is busy. Also known as a TRACON, our happy and helpful controllers all enjoy air conditioned comfort in San Diego while steering you around the clouds, turbulence, granite, airspace, TFRs, and other pilots -- whether they're on frequency or not.
These champions of airspace have opened their doors for a TOUR of their facilities, scopes aglow, and you will have the chance to chat up the ACTUAL controllers who you've ticked off on 135.40 when you barged in on the frequency with your own special request. Awesome!
Pick their brains on best practices, get a taste of THEIR world, and delight in a mutually-appreciated high-five with these controllers -- many of whom are pilots themselves.
It's really a great opportunity.
It's hosted at no cost by TRACON Controller Bob M.
Here's the deal:
You may Fly or Drive to KMYF Mongtomery Field in San Diego. If you drive and have extra seats in your car to shuttle other pilots to the secret TRACON location, that would be great!
You must arrive no later than 9:30AM at the terminal building (at Casa Machado) on Monday, February 21 (President's day for most)
We will arrange transportation from the terminal building to the TRACON building.
You MUST bring a government-issued photo ID, and you MUST be a US Citizen. Foreign Nationals can apply for permission to attend the next event -- it takes a minimum of 30 days (sorry!)
The tour will take appx 90 minutes, and conclude with a lunch at the always-excellent Casa Machado.
Fly Corona is setting up a number of pro-rata shares from both KAJO and KHHR if you are interested in flying down (the only stylish way to go)
For more information, to RSVP (space is limited to about 20 pilots and friends), or to learn about pro-rata arrangements, please inquire with Beth at

Some maintenance things I know about:
Cessna 630 is cruising.
Cessna 68U is too.
Cessna 739 has a new landing light and vacuum pump which will be installed Monday. An EGT probe is on order also.
Cessna 17J has new magnetos. Mag drops are now reported to be "money"
Bonanza 11N has a new battery on order.
Skylane 073 is hopping around airports.

That's all I know at the moment. More as I learn it!
Blue Skies,
- Mike