Finally a little sanity (a smidge!) has been restored to the airport. Here is what I know, and how it affects our goal of normalcy.
First, the Airport is open to tenants and customers only, daily, from about 8am until the Corona Police decide they've had enough of your face. Really. Our entire office staff is being evicted every afternoon at random points in the day, for no real reason at all.
Our friend Scott was threatened with arrest while he did maintenance at the witching hour of 6pm in our hangar.
It's a weird way to run a business. I do apologize to those left out in the cold who call -- for the moment, the only reliable way to get through is:
1. Call, leave a message, and we will get to it as soon as we can. We are fielding about 50-60 calls daily, and we have a reduced timeframe to return them -- we're doing our best, honest!
2. Email and we'll reply as soon as we can.
I wish I had better information for you, but it seems to change with the wind and the city's mood.
It's not all sour grapes at the ranch, though. I have some good news:
We have successfully extracted Bonanza 11N from AJO and she now sits in Chino at Threshold Aviation. Feel free to book her up and fly her if you'd like. The plane logbook is inside.
Threshhold closes at 8pm nightly, and they have requested that we fly while they are open only -- no night flights.
For those of you who are time-building under a tight schedule (flying appx 60+ hours per month), we have a new Cessna 150 available. We will not train from this aircraft, but our hope is that having access to this one will alleviate schedule strain on poor 630, who is becoming a popular runabout.
This other C150 is only available on a dry lease basis with higher than normal daily minimums. Feel free to inquire if you wish to avail yourself of this aircraft.
Carlos, Fernando, and Kevin have great videos of the water-departure shortfield takeoffs on facebook. Yikes!
The current thinking is that the airport may re-open this weekend. I give this a 25% chance only. The following weekend, however, we plan to return to normal operation at Corona. We hope. 90% chance of that. We are prepared to operate from CNO as long as necessary.
We're almost through this crisis. Thanks to all for weathering it (ha ha) with us!
Blue Skies,
- Mike