What a week! On top of great weather, cool temperatures, and fun flying -- we have just enough wind strangeness to keep things interesting.

For those who missed it, our movie night on Thursday was held inside Bobby A's -- Bobby was generous enough to stay open until 9:30pm and allowed us to hoist a large screen and create a "drive-in" feeling with booths and tables all aimed at the movie. Bobby's excellent burgers, drinks, and I believe I counted TWO Banana Splits made it a great time.
Way better than the 40 degrees in the hangar! Also, the movie selection didn't suck -- nice one, Jake!
Bobby has indicated he'd love to roll out the red carpet for us again -- so look for a new Winter lineup of movie selections coming soon.
Which brings up a good topic of conversation. We've been hosting these movies on Thursday evenings -- but is there a better night you'd like to come and hang out with our friends and pilots? Let me know!

In other news...
Cessna 630 is cruising along.
Cessna 68U has had her oil filter adapter re-gasketed. I am told the oil leak situation has been eliminated.
Cessna 739 has a new VOR indicator.
Cessna 17J cruises.
Skylane 073 is back to IFR readiness.
Bonanza 11N has a new OAT probe on order, and has a new ignition switch. This has cured the hard-starting issues.
Bonanza 6SK is hiding around the ranch. You may see her up playing in the sky.

We may have a new 172R on the line as soon as next week. With a Garmin 430 even. Cross fingers and say incantations. We've had real bad luck with sellers lately, so this may jinx the deal. I hope not.
That's about all I know of at the moment.
Blue Skies!
- Mike