I didn't even realize 2 weeks had sailed by until someone called me out -- sorry about that :)
First, please join me in congratulating the newest Private Pilot... as of last Sunday... (sorry) -- Troy L., who earned his wings with DPE Mark D in Cessna 739.
Way to go, Troy!!

In other news...
We are currently revamping a LOT of procedures in the office and hangar, hopefully to the benefit of all. If you have been the victim of sloppy office work, please feel free to drop me a note in any fashion -- we are always looking to improve.
We will even be bringing back the "squawk report" and make it publicly viewable. We are having no luck "fishing for squawks", and do not like them waiting on the 100hr.
We are mired in rewriting our operational checklists and other assorted minutia.
...regardless, here are some things I know about:
Cessna 630 has a new shimmy damper
Cessna 68U is getting a new engine in the next 3-4 weeks. Her current one is cruising along, and we expect 3 days of downtime when our engine gurus are complete.
Cessna 739 has had her pilot's seat repaired.
Cessna 17J doesn't seem to be bothering anyone.
Skylane 073 has new piston rings and has completed her break-in. We have been asked by the engine builder to leave cowl flaps open until CHTs are under 350F. If you are unfamiliar with what this means, please ask a CFI or the office.
Bonanza 11N has a new battery.

A friend of FlyC's lost his medical recently, and we are selling his gorgeous G35 Bonanza V-Tail for him. This is the last and best of the "light" Bonanzas, before they became the thirsty speed-tanks that they currently are. (...and there's nothing wrong with that :) )
We were turning in 138-142kts on average with a burn of 10.1gph, but a light Bo is happy puttering at 125kt and 8gph or 110kt and 6gph -- try that in a Cessna! Also, it does these things in Bonanza comfort.
This G35 has a wealth of impressive features and upgrades, and was very well cared for. She will be on display this week, after we make some maintenance improvements. She's a real sweet flier, and a great inexpensive way to build time if you're interested. Some of the FlyC staff are considering a partnership around her -- ask Jake for details.
"Catch me if you can" was much better movie than "Stealth", however, I think 90 minutes is the optimum movie length when one is sitting on metal chairs. September's movie should be fun. :)

Our insurance rules in the renter agreement will be changing, in response to certain aluminum rains last year. We believe the deductible amount will be increased to $5,000, and we are considering requiring renters insurance for freelance CFIs.
We are open to discussion on this point. We do not anticipate these changes affecting anyone at this time, but if there are unintended consequences, I'd like to hear about them.
If you are concerned, renter's insurance sufficient to cover a $5,000 deductible is appx $250 per year.
Otherwise, it's playtime in the sky -- nice (if warm) weather abounds -- great for flying!
Blue Skies,
- Mike