Bittersweet around the ranch this week, as we got the final arrangement on 25R sorted out, and she is headed for a few months of repairs and a new life in Texas. We are debating her replacement at the moment, with many thoughts leaning towards a PA-28R Arrow, since frog-legs are no longer our favorite RG treat.
With pending FAA rule changes which remove the Comm-SE RG requirement altogether, we are not sure this is a good investment, so we are in a "wait and see" mode. It will be short lived, and it does not impact our hunt for a good R model or similar for the fleet.
For those pursuing Comm-SE, contact the office for solutions we have in mind for you.
Elian was quoted on the scene as saying "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds", and left into the night laughing maniacally.

Not really. :) We'll miss you, 25R!
In other news...
A new solo pilot was heard overhead today in 739. Please join me in congratulating Rick S. on taking one huge step closer to Pilothood! We all know this is no small feat. Great work, Rick!

We have rearranged the office to accommodate new air conditioning power, just in time for it to be cold at the airport lately. We are not sure we like the layout yet, and CFI Eddie was quick to point out that we have violated the Feng Shui of the office. Quelle Horreur!
The good news is, the addition of new aircon power means no more stuffy offices, and you'll be greeted with frosty comfort after a flight lesson. Nice.
Not much else around -- man is it sweet flying weather lately.
Blue Skies!
- Mike