Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Farewell Cutlass...


Bittersweet around the ranch this week, as we got the final arrangement on 25R sorted out, and she is headed for a few months of repairs and a new life in Texas. We are debating her replacement at the moment, with many thoughts leaning towards a PA-28R Arrow, since frog-legs are no longer our favorite RG treat.

With pending FAA rule changes which remove the Comm-SE RG requirement altogether, we are not sure this is a good investment, so we are in a "wait and see" mode. It will be short lived, and it does not impact our hunt for a good R model or similar for the fleet.

For those pursuing Comm-SE, contact the office for solutions we have in mind for you.

Elian was quoted on the scene as saying "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds", and left into the night laughing maniacally.

Not really. :) We'll miss you, 25R!


In other news...

A new solo pilot was heard overhead today in 739. Please join me in congratulating Rick S. on taking one huge step closer to Pilothood! We all know this is no small feat. Great work, Rick!

We have rearranged the office to accommodate new air conditioning power, just in time for it to be cold at the airport lately. We are not sure we like the layout yet, and CFI Eddie was quick to point out that we have violated the Feng Shui of the office. Quelle Horreur!

The good news is, the addition of new aircon power means no more stuffy offices, and you'll be greeted with frosty comfort after a flight lesson. Nice.

Not much else around -- man is it sweet flying weather lately.

Blue Skies!

- Mike

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Plenty of blame to go around...


Here's a unique situation which merits some contemplation. Some of you will have already seen this, no doubt.. check it out:

(disclaimer: there are a few F bombs in here -- mind your speakers if you're at work or averse to such displays of vocabulary)

Video - yikes!

Luckily, nobody was hurt.

From reading the assorted fora all jabbering about this incident, it seems a few things were wrong with this situation.

It was an organized local airshow.

The airport was private.

The biplane pilot was either a tenant of the airport, or friends with a tenant and attending the fly-in. (reports on this seem to vary)

The RC pilot was invited by the organizers to provide a demonstration of his 1/2 scale aircraft.

Questions seem to surround...

Why the pilot was doing a fly-by.

Why the RC pilot was on the runway.

Why the organizers did not have "spotters" for traffic conflicts, or a NOTAM regarding the airshow.

...An ugly situation which could have had dire consequences.

Food for thought. Be careful out there -- whatever it is you're piloting.


In other news...

If you have not yet seen it, we are putting on our tried and true Preventative Maintenance: Oil Changes Done Right Seminar. You'll get to heckle me as I attempt to describe not only how to exercise your Pilot authority to change an airplane's oil and filter, but we'll actually perform the ooey gooey process. It's not the same as changing the oil on your honda!

Join us September 4 in our Hangar at 11:00am. Snacks will be served. If you are an aircraft owner and are interested in volunteering your aircraft for service, let us know -- there is no charge for labor ever!

Hope to see you there. More information available at The FAASafety website

Beastly hot this week. Our air conditioning is working overtime, and we're trying to keep the water bottles cold. PLEASE stay hydrated, both on the ground and in the air!

Consider flying west for your practices. El Toro and Long Beach both have excellent practice areas which we can use on days like today. It might be worth the extra .3 on the meter.

That's all I know for now. :)

Blue Skies,

- Mike

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Flying season...


I didn't even realize 2 weeks had sailed by until someone called me out -- sorry about that :)

First, please join me in congratulating the newest Private Pilot... as of last Sunday... (sorry) -- Troy L., who earned his wings with DPE Mark D in Cessna 739.

Way to go, Troy!!

In other news...

We are currently revamping a LOT of procedures in the office and hangar, hopefully to the benefit of all. If you have been the victim of sloppy office work, please feel free to drop me a note in any fashion -- we are always looking to improve.

We will even be bringing back the "squawk report" and make it publicly viewable. We are having no luck "fishing for squawks", and do not like them waiting on the 100hr.

We are mired in rewriting our operational checklists and other assorted minutia.

...regardless, here are some things I know about:

Cessna 630 has a new shimmy damper

Cessna 68U is getting a new engine in the next 3-4 weeks. Her current one is cruising along, and we expect 3 days of downtime when our engine gurus are complete.

Cessna 739 has had her pilot's seat repaired.

Cessna 17J doesn't seem to be bothering anyone.

Skylane 073 has new piston rings and has completed her break-in. We have been asked by the engine builder to leave cowl flaps open until CHTs are under 350F. If you are unfamiliar with what this means, please ask a CFI or the office.

Bonanza 11N has a new battery.

A friend of FlyC's lost his medical recently, and we are selling his gorgeous G35 Bonanza V-Tail for him. This is the last and best of the "light" Bonanzas, before they became the thirsty speed-tanks that they currently are. (...and there's nothing wrong with that :) )

We were turning in 138-142kts on average with a burn of 10.1gph, but a light Bo is happy puttering at 125kt and 8gph or 110kt and 6gph -- try that in a Cessna! Also, it does these things in Bonanza comfort.

This G35 has a wealth of impressive features and upgrades, and was very well cared for. She will be on display this week, after we make some maintenance improvements. She's a real sweet flier, and a great inexpensive way to build time if you're interested. Some of the FlyC staff are considering a partnership around her -- ask Jake for details.


"Catch me if you can" was much better movie than "Stealth", however, I think 90 minutes is the optimum movie length when one is sitting on metal chairs. September's movie should be fun. :)

Our insurance rules in the renter agreement will be changing, in response to certain aluminum rains last year. We believe the deductible amount will be increased to $5,000, and we are considering requiring renters insurance for freelance CFIs.

We are open to discussion on this point. We do not anticipate these changes affecting anyone at this time, but if there are unintended consequences, I'd like to hear about them.

If you are concerned, renter's insurance sufficient to cover a $5,000 deductible is appx $250 per year.


Otherwise, it's playtime in the sky -- nice (if warm) weather abounds -- great for flying!

Blue Skies,

- Mike

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

We're baaaaaack!


Those of us involved in the Osh pilgrimage have now mostly caught up on sleep, and now I have some updates to share.

First, some belated congratulations:

Last week, Jonathan S. earned his Private Pilot license in Cessna 739 with DPE Mark D. Nice work, Jonathan!

Also, Sunday, Jake M. earned his Instrument rating in Cessna 739 with DPE Mark D. Well done, Jake!


Cessna 630 should return today or tomorrow with some improvements after a difficult landing.

Cessna 68U completed her 100hr on Friday

Cessna 739 completed her 100hr yesterday.

Cessna 17J is cruising.

Bonanza 11N is back from Osh.

Skylane 073 has a new engine being installed today. ETA is tomorrow or next for her return to service.

We, and specifically, I, am hosting an FAA Safety Seminar on preventative maintenance once again -- this time on tire changes. Feel free to swing into our hangar Saturday at 11am, where we will actually change two main tires on an aircraft, discuss the regulations and responsibilities of a pilot doing this him/herself, and learn some valuable tips and tricks.

Even though we're good at these, it's more than a simple swap. There are a lot of parts involved, and doing it wrong can have dire consequences. Come check us out! Bring tomatoes! :)

Additionally, the FAA has granted this seminar as eligible for 1 wings credit. Learning about bald tires can get you a free Flight Review! Cool!

More info: here


We are closing in on a deal for a new plane. Shh. :)


It was seemingly drama-free this past week. Thanks everybody! Nice weather and some planes around the ranch should make some nice flying.

Blue Skies,

- Mike