The FAA has rolled out some new common-sense procedures for crossing runways, and you should be ready for them!
Here's a scenario:
You landed 26R at Chino and have turned off at Kilo. Pretty normal day at the landing patch. Ground control tells you "Taxi to runway 26R via Kilo, Alpha"
...this normally would have cleared you "automatically" across runways 3/21. Not anymore.
Take a look:

The new procedure will be that for EVERY runway crossing on an aircraft's taxi path, you will hear "cleared across runway 3/21". If you have not heard that, STOP and ask for clarification.
Master CFI Ron Levy put together a nice powerpoint presentation which clarifies the new rules. Google doesn't let me link to a Powerpoint for security reasons, but you can copy-and-paste this into your browser: always, when the pilot makes a mistake, his life is on the line.. and when a controller makes a mistake.. the pilot's life is on the line. Get the clearance or get clarification. This rule went into effect yesterday.

Some maintenance news:
Cessna 630 is out cruising around
Cessna 68U has a new nav/com2. Her VOT was completed and she is even IFR legal.
Cessna 739 is not bothering anyone.
Cessna 17J has completed a detailed 100hr.
Cessna 25R is awaiting insurance decisions on how to proceed. We will have answers in a week or two.
Bonanza 11N completed her extensive Annual. She is now de-squawked... except for the GPS, which we are still investigating.
Skylane 073 continues to rock.

We are in a schedule crunch! Much of our capital is tied up with new projects, and we have a set of planes touring the country next month, putting us in a precarious position.
While we do not normally do this, we are considering the idea of taking aircraft in on leaseback. The timing is actually very good, since we have more flying to do than planes to fly. Additionally, there are a lot of planes on the market which are fetching record low prices, and the federal tax credits are still in play for new aircraft.
...and we can help you make a cash-positive investment in any of these arenas. Check out our new Leaseback page. This might be an opportunity for us to buy you an airplane!

Movie night in the hangar! Join us at 7pm for a screening of... Stealth. I've never seen it, it might be terrible, but you'll be in our maintenance hangar, breathing in airplanes and in the company of pilots. Bobby A's has offered to cater the event. Come join us for some hangar lies! :)
That's all I know at the moment.
Blue Skies!
- Mike