No shortage of things going on in the last week... here's what I know:
First, some new wings to report:
Please join me in congratulating THREE new IFR pilots this week! Oh my!

First, Mohammed P. earned his blindfold in Cessna 739 with DPE Tom Hamm!
Second, Mike F. earned his blindfold in Cessna 739 with DPE Mark DiLullo!
and lastly, Todd S. earned his blindfold in Cessna 739 with DPE Tom Hamm!
Look out world, the pro pilots are on their way!
Tremendous work, gentlemen! Way to go!

In maintenanceland:
Cessna 630 has a new exhaust valve. Hers had become stuck, as evidenced by bad mag drops and an exhaust note more appropriate for a Chevy Nova.
Cessna 68U is headed to Seattle. She'll be back in 2 weeks. Bon Journee' 68U!
Cessna 739 completed a surprise 100 hour inspection. I guess when all the 172s are out playing elsewhere, this is bound to happen. We got her done pit-stop style.
Cessna 17J is enroute New York. She'll be back also in 2 weeks.
Skylane 073 has been used for more and more demos of late, to alleviate the schedule pressures. We changed her oil today.
Bonanza 11N is cruising to Texas.

We are in talks with about 12 or 13 aircraft sellers, some of them entertaining in their omission of key details. This stuff takes time, and we're in the mode of having to verify the candidates have both wings attached, in addition to our usual rigor on prepurchase inspections.. We're on the case, I promise. Ideally we will add 2 aircraft for summer ASAP.
...we are even considering a Warrior or Archer just to mix it up. (shh, don't tell)
As a result of the jam-packed schedule, we reserve the right to cancel a flight booking which you are over 1 hour late to. Please tighten up the bookings if you can.
Marlon, Kira, and Ricardo left this morning enroute Osh Kosh. They are taking a "scenic" stroll through Longview, TX. Marlon will be out of pocket for 2 weeks, as will Bonanza 11N. Our troupe will leave next week and rendezvous with them next Sunday for a baby formation arrival.
Darwin, Richard, Shahid and I join them next week in my V-tail Bonanza.

It's HOT, and suddenly. While I can't say I miss the fog, I wasn't really prepared for 95F this soon either. Remember to bring cool water with you on your flights -- ask the office, any linemen, or raid our fridge in the back liberally. Heatstroke makes a poor learning environment!!
Blue Skies, Stay COOL up there!
- Mike