Mutiny continues around the ranch, despite our wrench floggings. Here is what I know:

Cessna 630 has emerged victorious from her 100hr.
Cessna 68U is not bothering anybody. Thanks, 68U!
Cessna 739, while installing a replacement tach (which had broken), was discovered to have a crease in her firewall, and has been grounded.
This is no small job. We are particularly disappointed that somebody appears to have had a bone-jarringly bad landing on the nosewheel and did not mention it to anybody to verify the plane was okay. From looking at the firewall, we are amazed that the pilot still has his or her teeth! Had the situation been worse, we might have been dispatching a dangerous plane, and endangering other pilots. Not nice. I think our pilots would feel rather silly if they were suddenly without a firewall!
It will be appx 1.5 - 2 weeks to replace the firewall. We are sensitive to the poor timing this represents, and are doing our best schedule shuffle. Please bear with us -- as always, though, we must adopt the "better safe than sorry" policy.
Cessna 1ES is out of commission for the time being.
Cessna 17J is in for 100hr, and will return Friday, assuming her firewall is still attached. :)
Cessna 25R, source of discontent for a few folks, is on her 6th attempt at gear door repairs. We also have a set of molds being shipped from Australia as a form of plan B -- in case we strike out yet again -- and will plan to just make the darn things ourselves, since Cessna has none, and nobody else does either.
Bonanza 11N leaves the hangar tomorrow with a new cowling skin, and will be off to the salon for some paintwork. She will be back with us on Friday. Apologies for the delay.

(739's nose upon closer inspection)
We have selected a 182 for the club! I will have pictures soon, but here is what I know:
Insurance is pending, but we expect the *same* participation rate for either the 182 or the Bonanza. This is a 12-month term of $194 per month, and $59/hr dry with no limits. These are targets, with final numbers being worked out still.
She is nice with the full IFR kit, an excellent autopilot, fresh motor and glass, and some STOL mods as well. A great step-up aircraft. I should have pictures soon.
Existing club members will have full access to the 182, and checkout will be minimal.
That's it for now. More as I know it!
Blue Skies,
- Mike