(ahem, no more 2am news updates from me :) )
Our neighbors at the restaurant next door are closed this week for renovations. We understand that Bob's Chili and Chow Hall, a fixture at the Corona Airport, will be transferring management and changing its name. Additionally, the new eatery is rumored to offer a more upscale menu, a "beer garden", patio seating in view of the final approach, and extended hours and dinner service.
I can't wait! This is a welcome change, and any improvement to the airport is to the benefit of us all. We look forward to spending many a lunch hour in the new airport restaurant.

In other news...
Cessna 20U is in for her annual, with an expected completion later this week.
Cessna 1ES will be having her primary GPS looked at sometime shortly, as the photo sensor seems to be inop.
We have heard whispers that 11630's power section parts are back from the various shops which recertify them as airworthy. Maybe July will see the return of our 150. No promises, of course. :)
Similar rumors are floating around over 25R's engine. Hmm!

We are opening our maintenance operation to outside work officially on July 14, which is next Tuesday. We have been noodling around over here.
We are expecting to obtain an Aviation Refueller in the next few weeks, which will aid our ability to refuel our aircraft. The savings on starters alone should pay for the thing.

A friend of ours is flying his Cessna 182 to Osh Kosh from Fullerton, and has one pro-rata seat available if you are interested in flying something with a high-wing, and not in the Beech Bonanzas we're all going in. His dates may correspond better with your plans than our trip did -- feel free to email me if you'd like details, or know someone who might wish to go.
That's about it for now. More as I know it.
Blue Skies,
- Mike