Please join me in congratulating the newest Instrument-rated Pilot in the world, one IFR-rated Jayani B., who earned her blindfold today in Cessna 1ES with DPE Mark Dilullo over at Chino Airport.
Way to go, Jay!

In other news:
Both of our suspect engines are being overhaulled. Downtime for Cessnas 630 and 25R will press into July, with a slight chance of the C150 returning at the end of this month.
Cessna 68U is cruising.
Cessna 20U has had an adjustment to her door. Please read the placards about which way to turn the handle -- and if at first you don't succeed, smashing the handle in the wrong direction is likely to not succeed either. (doh)
Cessna 739 will be down Monday morning for an adjustment to her carburetor, in order to solve her difficulty in shutting down.
Reports are that 739 is rigged very tightly and is one of our most responsive Skyhawks. Nice!
Cessna 1ES keeps plugging.
Cessna 17J continues to rock.
Piper 85Y is in pieces, and will continue her Annual to the end of the month.

June Gloom seems to be breaking up, with some gorgeous skies this weekend -- of the blue variety! Let's hope it buzzes off for good, we have some flying to do!
Also, we have about 4 more scheduled checkrides, pent up from the weather -- if we ask you to rearrange our schedule, it is to accomodate the busy Examiners, and as always, we appreciate your understanding in the matter.
If you have been wondering where I've been hiding -- it is a combination of a small mental health break and work on our systems automation for our new Maintenance Facility, which we've been working on for the last 3 months. About equal parts of each, in case you were wondering. I'm still around, feel free to drop me a line if you need to :)
Blue Skies!
- Mike