What lovely fog we seem to be blanketed in lately. Perhaps we should stock cocoa and marshmallows in the office to accompany the ground sessions that everyone is getting forced into! :)
Cessna 68U has had her fuel system torn apart, and lo and behold, we found 1 CUP of water distributed throughout, in the fuel tanks, gascolator, carburetor, and fuel lines.

This is not something that happens in one shot, but indicates 68U has been trapping water and it has been missed on a series of pre-flights. Bad juju! Engines do not run well on water.
During your preflight, if you pull water on a fuel sump sample -- sump it again! Rock the wings gently to move any water that might be trapped outboard of the fuel drain.
When it's dewy in the morning, this sort of stuff is bound to creep up on it -- and it has stopped engines at inopportune times! Be careful, and scrutinize that fuel sample!
Cessna 68U has been returned to service with a newly flushed out fuel system.
Cessna 630 is down for alternator troubles.
Cessna 1ES is still shooting lightning bolts. How rude.
In light of 1ES's recent tantrums, we have decided to offer Cessna 17J at $109 to Block renters for the next 3 months. This will be effective immediately, and we will offer this through February on a trial basis.
Cheap glass! Thanks Santa!

Blue Skies,
- Mike