Never sneer at the Santa Anas when you think they're gone, and certainly don't laugh into your sleeve and then post a news item about their quick departure. The Santa Anas have returned, and are forecast to continue into tomorrow!
At least they've been mild this time around... although runway 7 is indeed the active. Roll up your sleeves for some interesting landings!
D'oh. Sorry, everyone.

In some other news:
Cessna 17J has completed her 100hr.
Cessna 25R has a new aileron control rod.
Cessna 1ES has a new flap motor.
Cessna 20U is down for repairs to her CFI-side door, and her flap motor.
Cessna 68U's detailed annual continues.
Piper 85Y test-flew for 4.7 hours yesterday, with a few squawks we still wish to address before freeing her into the wild.
Cessna 04H is delayed for paint on her nose cowl until the other girls shape up.
Cessna 630 is flying just fine. Thanks, 630!
We are contemplating trading in 17J on a 2008 or 2009 Skyhawk SP.

I was sitting around the airport yesterday and telling lies in the hangar, which is one of our best pastimes, and it occurred to me that in the past 4 years, the pilots, instructors, aircraft and crew of Fly Corona! have generated some remarkable, nail-biting, and often downright hilarious stories. It would be a shame to lose these as time marches ever on, and we continue to make new stories. I'd like to collect some of the best yarns that you pilots and friends of the school may know.
For the best stories, I promise not to hold it against any staff or instructor, if it should involve, ahem, questionable decision-making.
This could be a solo adventure, an unfortunate squawk, an amusing tale, or something scary from the traffic pattern.
If you have something excellent to share from our past or present, I'd love it if you could drop me a line. I don't want these excellent tales to go to waste -- they're all worth preserving!
(And my thanks to everyone for making this a home for excellent folks, excellent tales, and just an all-around great place to hang out!)
This coming week, there are no less than 4 checkrides scheduled. I expect Cessna 1ES will be in short supply for flights, as she is the noted checkride mule.
Not much else around the ranch. Fly Safe!
Blue Skies,
- Mike