We seem to be under some sort of general aircraft mutiny again. This time it is peculiar, and I apologize to those affected. We're working on it.
To wit,
Cessna 630 will be down for her 100hr this week most likely.
Cessna 68U has her new sun visors in.
Cessna 20U is having flap issues, and we are working on them.
Cessna 04H has been rewired to solve a no-start issue. Again.
Cessna 1ES was having flap issues, and should be resolved.
Cessna 17J was having flap issues. What the heck?
Cessna 25R seems to be running just fine. We are having the LCD readout on her com2 replaced.
Piper 85Y flew and is undergoing small tweaks to her new left engine.
Yikes. We are doing our best to stay on top of this round of nonsense -- apologies for the downtime. We don't like it either, I assure ya.

We have made some tweaks to the office. Please join me in congratulating Carlos C., who has been promoted to Office Manager. Carlos has been filling the role for a little while now in my absence, and he has certainly worked hard to deserve the title. Please give him a generous high-five when you see him next!
We will be examining a number of our procedures in the office in the coming weeks. If you have any particular issues on your mind, feel free to email them to me directly and we can include them in our discussions.

Cessna is coming to town! We plan to host a BBQ on Saturday, October 4, from 10am-2pm. There will be the hot new Cessna 400 in attendance, as well as food and chat and camaraderie. The last time we did this, we had a blast -- it'd be great if you could join us!

Saturday, September 27 (the week prior), Aircraft Spruce is hosting a fly-in at the Corona airport. They generally have some nice sales that day, and I believe the Corona Pilot's Association has something cooked up also.
A junky weekend this week. And of course, a beautiful Monday to taunt those of us jockeying a desk. Boo.
Blue skies for the lucky fliers,
- Mike