We have added an airplane to the fleet which, after a 2-month annual, will seem new to everyone - Piper 7185Y!
85Y returned to us from her annual on Monday, however, she developed a stuck mic which took 2 days to sort out.
She's now ready to tear up the skies with two engines blaring. Welcome back, 85Y!

We got another bit of good news with the plane, this time from insurance -- we have been granted in-house authority to solo-endorse pilots in the twin. No more 2-day waiting period is required for insurance approval to solo 85Y!
In other news,
Please join me in congratulating new U.S. Private Pilot Carlos D., who soared to victory in Cessna 68U to get his wings this afternoon.
Nice work, Carlos!

Cessna 1ES is down for a starter swap. This one lasted 100 hours.
Cessna 04H has reports of running warm - pilots, please advise if you notice either high oil temps or low oil pressure, as we have been unable to confirm this one. The Engine shop has looked at it and blessed it, so this is likely a fleeting thing, but keep a skeptical eye.
There is construction alongside our building. There is talk of putting an airport security station there. Let's hope it's not something tacky.

Great weather abounds!
Blue Skies,
- Mike