Please join me in welcoming back Cessna 20U, back from a complete engine teardown and rebuild. As you know, we found a small flake of metal in the oil filter, and we just can't have that. The engine, despite having only 300 hours on it, has been rebuilt from the ground up and we expect good things.
As with all engine break-ins, we are only allowing cross-country flights which will happen under appx 5,000 MSL for the first 10 hours. This may be dual, or if you are a renter pilot, this is acceptable too. We have put the first hours on the engine in proving, and now we need to make sure the rings wear in correctly.

Whew. Welcome back, 20U.
In other news, our part-time CFI Adam has found himself a seat on a Citation II! Adam will be flying corporate charter effective immediately, and we wish him well on his new stripes. Be sure to torment any Citations you may see holding over Paradise VOR. Nice job, Adam!

Weak weather abouds -- let's hope socal gets this out of her system for the weekend!
Blue Skies,
- Mike