Please join me in congratulating our own CFI Dave for his acceptance of his new position as First Officer flying a Learjet 35 in charter operation. We will be transitioning Dave's students to other CFIs in the upcoming weeks as he prepares to wear a starchy shirt and say "sir" a lot more than he's used to.
In our opinion, this can only mean one thing:

Dave will be based out of F70 French Valley Airport, so be sure to do some nice lazy cessna-grade touch n goes in Temecula, to keep that hotshot stuck at the runup area! (...caution wake turbulence if he disagrees...)
In other news,
Cessna 20U is undergoing her 100hr inspection as planned.
Cessna 08V was discovered to have eaten a rock on Saturday and we grounded her immediately pending investigation. A small crack was found on the rear stabilizer leading edge. The entire leading edge of the stabilizer will be replaced, downtime TBD. We don't mess around with structural squawks, so please bring these sorts of things to our attention immediately.
Cessna 17J completed her 100hr inspection.
Cessna 68U will be going in for her 100hr sometime next week.
Cessna 1ES will be following thereafter.
We have installed nacelle gear mirrors on Piper 85Y, for those who just don't want to bet their landing on a little green light.
Cessna 04H's engine is taking longer than anticipated due to the 160hp upgrade and oil filter addition. We expect 2 more weeks. She looks sad on the ramp. :(
Gorgeous weather this week -- let's hope it holds!
Blue Skies,
- Mike