Rejoice, for our new flybaby has finally arrived -- after numerous weeks of fine-tuning her new engine, Cessna N361ES has joined our family officially.

N361 is a 1997 Skyhawk "R" model, and boasts a number of features, including:
King 94 Moving Map GPS
King 550 MFD
Sandel EHSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
And, of course, she's simply gorgeous.
N361ES will be priced at $99/hr on block, and $109/hr on retail initially, and will be available for booking this weekend!

Pilots unfamiliar with IO-360 powered 172s (such as Julie) should consider a lengthy review of the checklist, or inquire with a CFI in the office, since starting procedures are distinctly different from the older 172s. Otherwise, she will fly comparably to Julie or 04H with the NACA "floaty" wing designs.
With the wind calming, and the weather warming -- a wonderful spring is looming -- grab some sky!
- Mike