Please join me in welcoming CFI/CFII Jeremy back from his recuperation in the wild frozen beyond. Jeremy is slated to join us again next week, and fill the skies with his own brand of humor once more.
In other news,
The office is selling headsets now, both in passive and active noise reduction models. Please ask the desk for a tryout.
The hunt for a twin is continuing.

Cessna 68U will be going in for avionics work
Cessna 04H's engine overhaul was mistakenly quoted by me to be a week -- in fact, we are expecting a month of downtime for 04H.
Cessna 08V had an engine valve reworked last week, and is flying great.
Some scalawag (cough, me) left the master switch on in Cessna 17J, and her alternator field needed to be re-flashed.
Some blustery weather has had us folding up shop early, and gloomy weather is poking around the LA Basin lately.. but some great flying can be found.
Blue skies,
- Mike