Hi Gang!
Congrats to all for not getting intercepted this weekend! :)
Some things going on:
1. Fuel is on the rise (in case you haven't noticed) -- even though this Ethanol nonsense does not affect 100LL formulation, Chevron's prices are up 20 cents this week. This will translate into an increased surcharge.. again. Volatile fuel prices affect everyone, but hits aviators particularly hard, since we use a lot of power!
2. We have an online squawk report sheet! It's ugly, but it's quite functional.. link it from "Squawks" on the main page. These are hugely helpful, and now feed directly into our A&P database - definitely add your aircraft gripes -- and I've even allowed anonymous reporting, so sock it to us! :)
3. Our leaseback 172 slots are not being taken, and our 172s are still slammed -- so we'll be acquiring the planes ourselves. Let me know if you are aware of any M-model or newer 172s that are for sale!
4. We have a tremendous number of ideas for expanding FlyC, but we're conservative, and refuse to jeopardize our core business - that of making pilots. Because of this, we can only pursue a limited number of opportunities at once -- so at this time, we are considering an equity partner/investor in FlyC, in order to grow the business a bit faster without threatening the school. The level of involvement is flexible, and if you're interested in an incredibly unique investment opportunity, and working with the only non-shady people in this industry (ha ha, just kidding -- mostly) -- drop me a line at mike@flycorona.com
Great weather abounds... fly safe!
- Mike