Happy 2006!
Now that the storms have passed, the skies are blue and the flying is great. Only a few things of note this week:
First and foremost, Cessna 04H is being re-rigged. There were comments that she was "right wing heavy", which led us to simply have her completely re-rigged. We've never done this before, and while the plane is in excellent hands for this, we don't know what to expect regarding downtime. Cessna 04H has been removed from the schedule, and will return when she's ready to fly again. If you'd like an update on her return, feel free to call the office or email us at fly@flycorona.com and we'll alert you.
We will be reinstalling the rear seats in Cherokee 08F, turning her back into a 4-place aircraft. Look for that to happen on Wednesday.
Cessna 08V had engine parts backordered. We expect to have the engine re-installed by Thursday. (I know I keep saying this -- sorry! stay tuned!)
Los Angeles TAC charts were revised by the FAA for incorrect airway depictions. If you have purchased the old TAC charts, and they do not have the "blue dot" on them, then they are NOW OBSOLETE FOR NAVIGATION. Please return it to us for a free replacement before your next flight.
Quick Tip: We had one of our aircraft return from a flight today with bad skid damage to a main tire. The tire had worn through all 6 plies, and the innertube was exposed. The next landing probably would have blown the tire, and possibly could have ruined someone's day. A quick way to check for tire wear is, when pulling the aircraft forward from the line, watch the main tires as they roll. Skid patches are very easy to identify if you're looking for them!
Not-so-interesting fact: The average life of a main tire on our training planes is appx. 25 hours. :) Chances are good someone has been practicing aerial burnouts before you got there!
Fly Safe,
- Mike