We have had a few more new private pilots! Our Canadian friend, Chad Elwood earned his wings with CFI Nick and had a great checkride with DPE Andrea.
17 year old Jordan Pastor earned his wings with CFI Nick and DPE Andrea
Ken Johnson has completed the difficult first checkride earning his Private Pilots license with CFI Matt and DPE Andrea.
Other items of interest:

We are also getting closer to our approval of issuing M-1 visas and the start of our international pilot program.
June 9th is the 2nd annual Mud Run here at the airport. We will be relocating a few aircraft to Riverside for those who want to fly that day. If you are in the area, come on by and checkout the static displays, beer garden, food truck vendors and of course, the mud run. It should be a great day for everyone!
We are always looking for stories, pictures and videos of your amazing flights with us. Please email your stories to the office: fly@flycorona.come or post on our facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/FlyCorona
Here is what's happening in maintenanceland.....
526 - is having fun with the time builders
68U - is still running strong
739 - Has a new landing light and ready for more night flights
4DT - Had a battery solenoid replaced and is ready to roll
556 - Is getting a new group of followers and loves to fly
94M - is scheduled for a 100hr checkup next week
63B - is catching a lot of airtime
241 - The new skycatcher has completed its annual and ready for all comers. If you have not flown a 162 yet, you should come out and take it for a flight. I promise you that your skills will be challenged.
182 - Is enjoying the cross country flights and new checkouts this past week
387 - Our Seneca is now fixed and is running like new. Ready for new checkouts and is an excellent aircraft to get your multi engine rating in.
17J - is available and ready to grab some sky!
Come and grab some sky, the weather forecast is looking great!!!!
-- Kevin.