Some very exciting things are afoot. Today we have received our first installment of the new Cessna Multimedia Training system -- dubbed the CTA -- which is a Web-based training system much like your CDs.
Imagine being able to grab a lesson on the road, on a plane (cool!), at work, or at Panera -- universal access for your dose of Martha!

This is very cool, and we have a kit for you to check out, and at some point, we'll be able to demo the online curriculum for you. And here's some better news:
If you have purchased your existing CD-based kit after May 15, 2009, King Schools will offer you a free upgrade to the new kit! Inquire with the office for details.
King is still selling the CD-based kits, and will be moving them to DVD format shortly, so we will be training on both for the time being. IFR is slated for 1Q 2010, with Commercial to follow shortly thereafter, pending FAA FITS approval.
Come check out the new hotness in the office!
Blue Skies, (cooler temps! Huzzah!)
- Mike