Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The latest pilot in the world!


Please join me in congratulating U.S. Private Pilot Asa C. who earned his wings in Cessna 20U with DPE Tom Hamm -- nice job, Asa!

Blue Skies!

- Mike

Monday, November 26, 2007

Nice Weather, Full Fleet


Please join me in welcoming back our friend Piper 85Y, who spent a month and numerous vendor trips getting both of her aux fuel pumps replaced. Word on the street is that certain CFIs who have been flying Cessnas had almost forgotten what a fast plane lands like. :)


Office hours have been adjusted to coincide with the dark, now operating from 9am-5pm.


Cessna 1ES will be down this week for her Annual inspection.

A few tires have been installed on assorted planes, as is our habit. There were some impressive bald patches -- easy on those brakes, all! :)


10 and CLR everywhere, even to the coast -- THIS is the flying we expected of SoCal!

Blue Skies,

- Mike

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Flying in the muck


While we languish on the ground every morning, throwing a scowl skyward, Instrument Pilots are laughing at us and enjoying sunshine and blue skies on top -- the nerve of these guys!

The forecasts have been calling for 10am burn-off of this soup, and so far it's been hit or miss -- but it's definitely not normal for Corona. We would enjoy it staying at the coast where it belongs -- and like all things, it is only temporary, so hang in there!


We have a new CFI around the FlyC ranch, CFI Will! -- flying daily, Will comes to us from Santa Monica's American Flyers school, and will be armed with local knowledge and a desire to fly -- available for bookings now!


While we do not do this in soupy weather, we do an IFR Demo for those who are interested in learning what an Instrument ticket can do for you. The demo lasts 1 hour, and while flying blind, you will fly to Lake Matthews, then Paradise VOR, then via radar vectors, you will intercept and fly the KCNO ILS approach down to a whopping 200' AGL on 1/2 mile final -- when you look up and realize that your VOR radio got you home safe in the simulated soup, you can appreciate the added flexibility of knowing how to fly instruments.


Piper 85Y will return to service this week, after the third attempt at a pump overhaul resulted in fuel flow (imagine that). The pump is installed, and we are only awaiting the interior to be replaced, and everything cinched up nicely.

Cessna 20U is down for 100hr. We expect her to return to service this week, as long as nothing bizarre is discovered.

Cessna 1ES will be down next week for Annual.

Good flying, trashy weather -- join me in casting a dark look skyward, and wait for that inevitable burn-off.

- Mike

Friday, November 16, 2007

Aviation vendors, rejoice!


Please join me in sending a universal jeer to all of Fly Corona's external aviation vendors, who have all decided that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing at least twice.

Cessna 08V has parts on order for her copilot door

Cessna 68U is back from the transponder shop, however, more parts are on order, and she will be going back next week (this will be visit #4 for her brand new transponder)

Cessna 20U has had her brakes redone

Cessna 04H is being pulled back from the avionics gurus at John Wayne, since they have no time to un-bungle their work this week. Expect her to return next week for more waiting. (visit #2)

Cessna 1ES will be down for Annual next week.

Cessna 17J is running just fine. Thanks, Julie!

Piper 85Y's aux fuel pump has been returned to its overhauler, who apparently did not understand that we require fuel pumps to not just make noise, but to also pump fuel. (visit 2) -- this one is particularly annoying since installation or removal of the pump is appx 6 hours of labor.


My apologies for the continued irritating downtime we are plagued with, to all affected Pilots.


In other, quasi-related news, since we have spent a large amount of time ferrying aircraft, the strain on the schedule has been redoubled, since our first choice is to send CFIs to do our dirty work. We are updating our rolodex of ferry pilots -- if you would like to help us ferry and reposition aircraft, and enjoy:

1. Free flight time
2. Possible free CFI time
3. New and interesting flights
4. The prospect of helping get our planes on the line faster, for great justice.

And you:

1. Hold at least a private pilot's license
2. Can fly on relatively short notice (< 2 hours)
3. Don't mind oddball flights (flights of two, short-hops to SNA, CCB, RAL, SMO or LGB airports, the occasional NORDO operation)

Then we'd love to get you in our list! Please drop an email to fly@flycorona.com with your information, and we'll add you to the list.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The latest Pilot in the world


Please join me in congratulating the latest Private Pilot, Elias A., who earned his wings yesterday in Cessna 1ES with DPE Tom Hamm. Way to go, Elias!

Gorgeous weather abounds -- grab some sky!


- Mike

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The return of nice weather and working planes


Blue Skies have returned, after an unusually long and gray week - woof! What absolutely gorgeous flying today.


Cessna 08V returned from her annual, and is in top fighting form.

Cessna 68U returned from her annual, and enjoys many fixes. She is at Cable Airport to bless the new Mode C functionality. We expect her return early next week.

Cessna 20U has had new brake pads installed.

Cessna 04H has new navs, but will return to John Wayne next week for a tweak for a sticky nav1.

Cessna 1ES has returned from the engine shop to fix an oil seep.

Cessna 17J has returned from Long Beach with a new tach sending unit.

Piper 85Y has her aux pump reinstalled, and we are awaiting final proving to get her back on the line. We expect her back sometime next week.

Holy cow, thanks to everyone for your patience during the resultant schedule crunch. Sometimes, the planes just like to gang up on us.


CFI Alex has earned some stripes, and will be flying commercially out of New York. His last day with us is Wednesday, and his shoes will be filled by CFI Adam. Farewell, Alex, we hardly knew ye!


TFRs have been cancelled across Orange and San Diego counties. The El Toro TFR remains, as well as the one northeast of San Bernardino.


Not much else to report -- it's quiet around the ranch. Everyone is gearing up for the holiday mania, I suspect.

I don't know what's up with this picture -- I can't stop staring at it. I had no choice but to pay it forward. To quote from Futurama -- "you watched it, you can't unwatch it!!" :)


- Mike