Those of you not crunching down on PPL written exams, steep turns, and short-field landings, and instead just lazing away, puttering off to Catalina for a buffalo burger, San Diego for some nightlife, or Camarillo for shopping... are you feeling bored? Letting the autopilot fly while you catch up on Reader's Digest? Pish tosh!
We at Fly Corona! have put together just the thing to stimulate your sleepy brain, and let your Student Pilot comrades feel like someone is sharing the toil -- that's right, we present to you the...
Instrument Approach Demo Flight
Departing Corona as normal, one of our devious CFIIs will throw you under the hood at 200' AGL, daring you to dodge rocks using only The Force(tm) (and an instrument departures book), and will then make you fly blind to Lake Matthews, call SoCal Approach Control, and will request an
ILS Precision Approach into Chino Airport -- dunking you into a maddening blind descent to 200' AGL once more, and lined up for a landing -- and all while missing the cows.

Sounds hectic? It's not -- in fact, it's one of the more tranquil things you can do, where the controllers deliver you every assistance on silver platters and with honeyed tongues..
(wait, SoCal who?) -- SoCal Approach was designed for IFR traffic, and now you can stop mooching on the system and play with the big boys! And when you lift the hood and see a Red-over-white VASI waiting for you, and the big letters 26R welcoming you to tarmac once more -- it clicks, and you get it -- you've just completed a safe precision approach, without peeking out the window once. Nice Job!
As always, Demo Flights will be credited towards any Instrument Training Package. Inquire with the Office for more details.
A 45-60 minute Demo in a C172 will be $99, in the PA30 $149. Every FlyC instructor is CFII rated, and you will receive full credit usable towards your 35 hour training requirement for the Instrument rating. Our 35-hour training packages start at $4,459.
Grab the rating while it's nice, then own the skies when they are dreary in Winter!

Some other news around the FlyC ranch...
Cessna 17J has a new starter and battery.
Cessna 1ES has a new starter.
(remember, for fuel injected planes, priming with the fuel pump should be short, and will not be necessary if the plane is warm!)
Cessna 04H has loaned 08V a radio for the week. It will return ASAP. Please inform the office if this is an inconvenience, and we can install a temporary radio into 04H.
Cessna 20U has been diagnosed with a slow flap motor. She is expected to be down until tomorrow.
Cessna 68U should be emerging from her 100hr tonight, after a gruelling week.
Cessna 08V has sneak-thieved 04H's COM2 temporarily. Cheeky!
Piper 85Y has a new prop governor on the RH engine, and is back in service after a 5-day delay. Apologies to those affected.

The office has new Air Conditioning units. Office, CFI, and Students alike were threatening assorted tortures for operating a toaster oven as an office.
Checkrides are in the air -- while your CFI will generally schedule your ride with the Examiner, it is helpful to
let the office know in advance so that we may coordinate maintenance windows and prepare the aircraft. We have had some slipshod planning of checkrides in the office lately, and we aim to improve this -- please keep us in the loop, and we will do our best to make these happen.
On that note, Students, the checkride is a big deal, involving coordinating multiple schedules, maintenance windows, and a stack of paperwork -- we may be forced to commandeer your flight in order to make room for a student in the home stretch.
This is the only time we will forcefully bump you from the schedule, and when it is your turn for a checkride, you will receive the same priority. Please inform the office if being bumped is an undue burden, or has led to unexpected disappointment -- and we will try to make it right. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Have a great weekend!
- Mike