We've been hearing some grumbles* around the ranch about folks who want to take 85Y on solo trips, who are not CFI rated. As we've mentioned to a few of you, the Twin is insured for instruction and solo time-building for CFIs only. We went this route because:
A. It was what was offered to us by our commercial carrier (apparently this is normal for flight schools to do)
B. We really didn't think anyone would want to rent a twin for solo XC pleasure cruises. We got the plane for the CFIs to time-build, and to provide a platform for getting complex/retract, CPL, CFI, and ATP ratings. The fact that it's a stable and comfortable cruiser was just an afterthought.

My apologies to those who felt burned -- it was not our intention! We have a solution which we are actively working on.
Pilots wanting to SOLO the Twin, and who are not CFI rated will be added (named) to a second insurance policy. We are getting this quote now, but we would expect the cost to be < $800/yr per pilot. This is cheaper than renters insurance (~$1100).
Pilots wishing to solo the twin who are not CFI and who do not wish to be named on our insurance policy will need to meet the OPEN pilot warranty on our policy (minimums to be determined), and will be required to obtain their own renters insurance policy (ie, using one they may already have)

Regardless, those who are interested may feel free to contact me to see what the numbers wind up being. In all circumstances, insurance will likely impose a 25-hour dual requirement prior to solo with passengers -- the PA30 is a very different animal from a C172, but we'll figure out the way to get it done properly.
Stay Tuned,
- Mike
* - plus one additional comment a CFI described as "the meanest remark I've heard since I've been at Fly Corona" -- wow. Double apologies to the one who felt THAT jilted by an airplane. :(