Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Wings...


Please join me in congratulating new U.S. Private Pilot Skyler W., who earned his wings on Saturday with DPE Ken Earl in Cessna 17J.

Nice work, Skyler!

In other news:

Cessna 630 has begun her monster annual. Downtime is forecast at ~2 weeks. We have a lot of things we'd like to do during this maintenance downtime.

Piper 85Y is reportedly flying very nice. Thanks, 85Y! (finally... :) )

Cessna 68U is next on the 100hr docket, likely this week or next.

Not much else -- my goodness, though, some nice weather lately. Be safe up there.

Blue Skies!

- Mike

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The week ahead...


That last missive was about as haphazard as it gets, sorry about that -- here's a better picture of our upcoming maintenance:

Cessna 630 will be pulled down next week sometime to begin an early Annual Inspection. We have a backlog of some work which we intend to accomplish, including a new windshield, some engine work to combat the foulling plugs, as well as re-sealling the rear deck windows.

Downtime is always tough to predict, especially with engine work, but it is possible that Cessna 630 will be down for 1-2 weeks.

Cessna 68U will be going in the week after for her 100hr.

Cessna 20U is chugging along fine. Thanks, 20U!

Cessna 04H is doing just fine. Thanks, 04H

Cessna 1ES is still riding high on her detailed 100hr.

Cessna 17J completed her 100hr.

Cessna 25R will be in for Annual at the end of February or early March.

Piper 85Y has emerged from the hangar and is being test flown today. The changes are extensive, and we are waiting on some parts for 2 remaining squawks, neither of which are airworthy items.

We will be sprinking new nosewheel bushings across the fleet to stave off future shimmy dampener problems.

We will be showering a few new PTT switches around the fleet, to replace the fussy ones.

We've been getting asked a lot around the office, questions like "how are you guys doing? are you busy? is anyone flying?" -- sometimes in a whisper -- and what with the news and generally grim economic outlook, it seems that something is afoot.

Well, there's no reason to be shy about our intentions and our situation, so here it is -- things are great, and we're making sure they will stay that way. Flying is steady vs. last year, inquiries about training are up, and we continue to meet new faces and make new friends from all over the southland.

According to the signs we see now, 2009 is going to be a busy year for us at the ranch. I'm actually impressed with some of the folks we have met, who are seeking a new career altogether, and who are using this lull in their own businesses to learn something new. Pretty cool.

So now you know (those of you too shy to ask) -- we're looking forward to an awesome year of flying, and we're not going anywhere.

That being said, we are being cautious with our normal schedule of investments into new aircraft. We typically add 2 aircraft per year to the line, and there are some ridiculously great aircraft bargains out there right now -- making restraint difficult. Our 2009 plan was to phase out the F model 172s and replace them with an M/P model (like 04H) and another R model (like 1ES). This plan may be deferred to 2010.

We are discussing, instead, acquiring another 150/152-class aircraft or possibly two more. We're happy with 630 and would love another one like her.

One of the staff is trying to talk me into getting a low-wing trainer, such as a Piper Warrior. I've also heard requests for an Aerobatic trainer. Who knows what we might end up with!

Whatever path we wind up walking down, I am positive that we will continue to be the fun place to fly in SoCal, and our pilots will continue to enter the air safe, confident, and ready to join us in the sky above it all. I hope that, whatever troubles are hitting you in your business, that you remember -- we're all lucky to get to spread our wings and fly.

As always, more as I know it.

Blue Skies,

- Mike

Monday, February 09, 2009

All quiet...


Not much going on lately. Just enjoying the change in weather, anf flying in little bits when we can.

Cessna 17J has completed her 100hr

Lighting has been improved in Cessna 04H, including fixes to strobes, interior lights, landing lights

A new alternator for Cessna 630

We took the twin down to deal with the rest of the niggling squawks that were bugging us, including a new fuel pump, generator, voltage regulator, cowl flap cable, exhaust pipes, tips, and a few other items. We've also set the idles, synced the quadrant levers, boosted the prop governor on the right, and all manner of tweaks.

Not much else to report..

Blue Skies,

- Mike